Dear all, I've just opened my laptop and went to my blog and ALL MY NAIL ART PICTURES ARE GONE!!
I do not understand what is happening. I really don't.
My nail art posts are pictures less and the pictures I have uploaded even very old posts are without pictures. I am trying to understand why, whether it is a Blogger or Google+ malfunctioning or whether I've been victim of a hack, I couldn't tell.
I know trying to get Google or Blogger to respond to any claim is useless, their service is practically non-existent. So before I go and totally panic, I'll just try to measure the damage and think about a way to repair it.
If any of you know what could have caused this or had a similar experience PLEASE help me! This is really terrible.
I will try and upload again all the pics for the most recent posts while I try to go on with my future posting schedule and as I go I'll try to keep uploading the older pictures, but it won't be easy and it will take ages!
Gosh, why am I so unlucky!! If anyone can think in a word of blogging-comfort, this is the time. I'm really upset right now.
Of course I would take any advice on how to fix this, because I'm such a noob on these matters.
I hope this will be solved soon.


PS. right now I'm so, so upset!