Hello my lovelies! I hope you've spent a wonderful weekend! The post you're reading and the post that will follow the next few days have been scheduled in advance because I'm officially on vacation. That means I'll keep posting "virtually" but I won' be able to answer your comments right away (like if I ever did, lol!).

Today is the final day of the Vintage Challenge and I'd like to congratulate my fellow bloggers for having this wonderful idea, I have really enjoyed it a lot! Thank you Christine and Jezzica!
Today is nail art with any of the polishes already presented and I have some simple stamping done over American Apparel Hunter. 

I stamped using what I thought was a "vintage design", lol, from Konad plate m60 and used silver and gold Konad special polish. As I thought the design was not obvious enough I added some details using a dotting tool and Maybelline 840 and other colours I can't remember (why don't I make proper notes!).
Well I hope you have enjoyed this challenge as much as I have and go check the other bloggers taking part!
Have a lovely start to your week tomorrow!