Hi There! How are you doing?
Spring is here, the weather is sunny and lovely and I have just put together the second part of my own Season's makeup challenge. Are you feeling inspired to join me? Keep reading, then.
If you want to know the reasons that motivated this challenge, please, head over here.
This challenge is very simple: at the beginning of a season (Winter, Spring, Summer, Fall) I will choose some pieces of makeup from my stash and post them here. By the end of that season I shall post how well (or not) I've done using them up, and propose new pieces for the following season.Last Sunday was the March Equinox and, as promised, I posted my Winter Round up. It didn't go very well, though, but I had really little time to use up the chosen makeup (only 4 weeks), so this is going to change for the second part when I am going to have 12 full weeks to focus on finishing the makeup pieces I have selected.
For the second part of this Challenge I will choose an equal amount of items than for the first time, so this time, I will finish some stuff up. My picks for the Spring challenge are:
The lippies
Chanel Rouge Allure Velvet #43 La Favorite
I got this gorgeousness in Summer 2013 when it launched. I loved it and have used it several times that Summer but for "some" reason I forgot about it and ende up in a drawer :( Well, I thought it was time to show it some love (and maybe use it up? we shall see). The shade is so bright and flattering!
Manhattan soft mat Lipcream in #53M
That wasn't misspelt. It is written"soft mat" on the tube! The Manhattan soft mat lipcreams were a limited edition launched somewhen in 2010. I got two of them on sale at the begining of 2011 for a ridiculous price (I think 1 CHF each), and completely forgot about them. I have recently found them in the back of a drawer, intact!! They were never opened and they are in perfect condition. If they sound familiar to you is because they sound, look, perform and even smell exactly like NYX Soft Matt lip creams, which are so popular. So, I have decided to give it a go, although the tube is completely full and I don't think I will have the time to finish it, it is a shame to never have used it!
from left to right: Chanel Rouge Allure velvet La Favorite, Manhatta lip cream, NYX Apple Strudel, NYX Tiramisu |
NYX butter gloss Apple Strudel
I got this one together with Tiramisu (When it comes to NYX lippies I hardly buy only one, lol) in Fall 2013 (I found the invoice, lol). This one was intact and in perfect conditions. What means I never opened it. I suppose I thought the colour was too bright for Fall and decided to wait to use it and then I completely forgot about it!
NYX butter gloss Tiramisu
This one was also included in the past Winter challenge, and I have loved using it so much I decided to include it in this Spring Challenge too.
The eyeshadows:
I got this quad in Spring 2011 and enjoyed it a lot. But, as I tend to buy a lot of makeup, this one was also forgotten. I am not aiming to finish it up, because baked eyeshadows are die hard. However, I thought to include it in this challenge because it deserves a little love! I suppose it will be hard to use only these shades because they are quite shimmery, so I might be complementing my looks with the one or the other single matte shade.
Manhattan Intense effect eyeshadow Duo in Peach party (96N/53D)
Yes, some more baked eyeshadow. I found this little one when I did "the great stash clean up" and could not leave it out. Both colours are my favorite combo: dark plum and peach! I can see I have used this a bit, so we will see how it looks at the end of Spring and compare :)
The bronzer:
Guerlain Crazy Terracotta
You already know how much I love this powder. I already included it in the first part of the challenge but I will extend its use to Spring too, because I haven't even hit the pan! I'm still very pale and this is the one bronzer that suits me still when I'm pale.
The blushes
Le blush crème de Chanel in #62 Présage
There is no Spring if there is no Blush! Of course, I thought including a couple of blushes wouldn't hurt, specially this one that I love for Spring and summer. Présage came out for Fall 2013, and tha's when I bought it. Crème products have a shorter shelf life than powders, so I supposed this one needs to be used a.s.a.p.
Benefit Box o' powders Coralista
I got it in February 2011. That's it! I can officially open a Makeup Museum! LOL XD
Although for about one year (2011) I only used this blush everyday (because I only had this one) I am very far from hitting the pan. It doesn't surprise me because this big baby has 12g of powder, wow, that's a lot for a blush. I remember how much I used to love it and how I thought it was a great everyday blush. So I include it to see how much is left there and if I will be able to finish it before Summer :)
Here you are my first FOTD for this challenge:
I will put these pieces in my everyday makeup bag and I will use them for my daily makup. Then on Tuesday 21st June, the astronomical end of Spring and beginning of Summer, I will post the updates with pictures to see how well I did using these pieces up!
Now is your turn: Do you have some makeup in your collection that needs to be loved? You are most welcome to join me in this challenge!
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