Hello there, how are you doing? Are you enjoying your Sunday? I sure am. I'm making some home made green Lasagne today. My hubby really loves all Italian food, specially if it involves pasta.
My baby is now taking his afternoon nap so I take the opportunity to write this post.
I wore this mani on Saturday (so it's not a nail of today, but a "yesterday's nail") and as I didn't use any top coat, it didn't survive to my " home made baby-food marathon", so it only lasted a couple of hours. In fact, I cooked for 8 hours yesterday! I've made enough baby food for the next 35 days and have everything in the freezer. Plus, while peeling vegetables I sliced the tip of my index nail and just a tiny bit of flesh... not very good looking :(
I really like to alternate loud, vivid or sophisticated manicures with more subtle looks. While I don't have much of the skill or the patience to do French manicures, I enjoy wearing sheer pink polishes that would give me the "effect" of a French manicure without the hassle.
At the beginning, I wanted to wear OPI In the spot-light Pink from "Femme de Cirque" OPI collection on its own, but in the end I found it too boring, and thought it would be more interesting with a coat of I juggle men (love the name, hehe ) on top. Well, the result is... very very subtle. Maybe too subtle. Looks almost as naked nails.
What about you, do you like more subtle looks, with sheer polishes or you prefer solid more intense colours?
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