Hello, my lovelies! Happy Friday!
Did you know Sunday is Father's day in Switzerland? If not, you should be really thinking about something for your daddy because you are almost at the last minute!! My dad is in Argentina and he celebrates el día del padre on June 19th. My hubby is Italian and La festa del papà was on March 19th. But of course, our children have had a great idea to celebrate their daddy this weekend, so that is what we are going to do (i don't give more details because it is supposed to be a surprise, lol).
Now, right, nail art, that's what you're here for! This week's prompt for the Nail Crazies Unite challenge is "Music". I always have such a hard time with "abstract" themes, like if music wasn't already difficult to represent graphically, just imagine to do so on a nail!! Well, this manicure turned out quite messy, of course I didn't intend it to be like that... it looks kinda chaotic, LOL.
Well, I thought that layering some stamping with different colours would make it look cool, but I only had ONE image related to music (how is that even possible?!) and none of the colours I tried really worked. Terrible. I tried gold, then rose gold then silver, then white, and then I started over with black. Mess & Chaos, that's what this manicure reminds me off! But what can you do? I put a glossy topcoat on it and called it a day :P
I'm not very happy with this manicure, it looks nothing like music, it is pretty terrible! Please, go to pay a visit to my fellow co-challenger listed here below, they've surely have done much better than me!:)
Have a great weekend my sweeties!
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