Happy Friday my lovelies! You can't imagine how happy I am the weekend is almost there, I really desperately need a break and my house really desperately needs some cleaning and tyding, LOL! What about you?
For the third day 33 days challenge I went for a simple "funky French" manicure using striping tape. It was pretty easy though my topcoat refused to collaborate and dragged my pretty lines... well, what can I say, accidents happen and I definitely need a new topcoat :)

For achieving this mani I first painted 2 coats of Clic #680 (great budget Swiss brand!) and waited for it to be completely dried. I tell you this colour is unphotographable. If you want a hint is and exact dupe for one of my all time favourites China glaze Four leaf clover. Which is also unphotographable!! I've never ever seen an accurate picture of this colour, so unless you own it you will never know what it looks like IRL. It's the brightest ever emerald green!

Once the base colour was completely dry I painted my lines using Clic #630 (white), Clic #639 (black) and OPI Suzi says Feng Shui. And then dragged it all down with my stupid topcoat.
I wish you a wonderful weekend and don't forget to check out what the other ladies have done for this challenge.