Hello my dears! How are is your Sunday?
While you're reading this, we are out for a walk with my baby and hubby, enjoying a little our time together. I hope the pictures will show today, because my yesterday's slideshows were not showing and I can't find the way to make them appear through blogger. I don't want to post all the pictures individually because they're too many, and all my previous slideshows work well, so I do not have a clue why this happened! Yesterday I gave up and removed my post when I got home, now it's waiting in the drafts until I find a way to make it work. Blogger is not making my life easier these days, I assure you.
But let's get into more pleasant news. Last week my dear friend Christine from polished Marvels sent me an early Christmas present!
And as I'm a very naughty girl, I've already opened it :D !!!!!! Thank you Christine, you spoiled me rotten! She sent me three indie polishes which are pretty stunning, it is impossible for me to pick a favourite, I love them all, Christine knows me so well. I'm not telling you what other shades she got for me to keep the surprise, I'll be showing them soon. She also picked the most amazing lip balm from Nuxe, and some delicious candy (gelée russe) mmmiam. Sorry, but the candy is already history. And I was not the only one to eat them *twinks* since there are plenty of sweet tooth at home.
Today I have a winter inspired manicured I did with the beautiful Mystery Pahlish in Christine's nail mail.

I painted three coats of the Mystery Pahlish to get perfect opacity. This polish is a bit particular formula wise, the base is thin and sheer in the first coat, but not in the way a jelly would be. The colour builds to total opacity in three coats, a gorgeous dusty pale blue grey, so unique! I guess if I had shorter nails I could have got away with two coats. The glitter in it is gorgeous, under artificial light indoors, it looks like matte grey glitter, but when the sun hit it you discover a universe of holo round glitter shifting from blue to green, absolutely gorgeous. Unfortunately I had no sun when Itook these pictures, but do not worry, I'm sure this is not the only time I'll be using it!

I applied a coat of seche vite to add some glossiness. I finally stamped on it using Konad white special polish and Winstonia plate W120 and a coat of Konad top coat to protect the stamping.
I'm sorry the pictures are quite dull but we are sunk in the fog where I live.

I'm so happy with my new indie polishes, thank you Christine!
What do you think about it? Let me know your thoughts.