Hello my dears! How was your weekend? Have you had fun? Relaxed? Mine was everything but relaxing, work, work, work! But I enjoyed doing things for my family and our new home.
I thought I'll be showing to you some ideas and inspirations for Holidays manicures that I find nice for Christmas, New Year's Eve, or whatever party you're having, and today I want to show you another one. I've created a new tab  gathering all these looks so, if you're interested, you'll find them more easily.
I'm bringing you a French manicure that
I wore some days (weeks?) ago, when my nails and hands were still decent, using Two polishes from the OPI Skyfall Collection: The Spy who Loved Me as the base and OPI Golden Eye on the tips. If you haven't noticed, the picture above is showing my right hand! This is one of the very rare times I actually photograph my right hand... the main reason being my left hand is mostly useless and can't take proper pictures with it LOL!

This is my dumb left hand, where I did an accent on the ring finger nail. In fact you can see the golden varnish is not totally opaque and does not cover the red polish, but that's kind of cool to me. I think this mani resulted very "holiday like" and I might wear it for Christmas. Since I'll be spending Christmas in Argentina this one might be easier than other looks, also, both polishes are mini-sized and easy to carry.

The last picture with E.T. fingers, to show you why I simply can't wear longer nails...  E.T. phone home...
What do you think? Red and gold for Holidays is too cliché? Would you like better something using more original "unusual" colours like the look proposed by MAC? Or the Catrice Half moon manicure? Tell me what are your ideas for Season's manicures!

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